Archive for December, 2022

How The ChatGPT Watermark Works And Why It Could Be Defeated via @sejournal, @martinibuster


A looming ChatGPT watermark will expose auto-generated content.

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Top 10 SEO expert columns of 2022 on Search Engine Land


Since Search Engine Land launched, we have given SEO experts a platform to share their in-depth knowledge and timely insights – with the goal of helping you solve problems, manage challenges and understand the constantly shifting SEO landscape.

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URL Redirects For SEO: A Technical Guide via @sejournal, @vahandev


A comprehensive overview of redirects and the proper application for HTTP redirects and 3XX Series Of Status Codes.

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Let’s Talk About Old Content And Redirect Chains via @sejournal, @RyanJones


Don’t overthink SEO. When it comes to old content and redirect chains, here are guidelines straight from expert Ryan Jones to sort things out confidently. The post Let’s Talk About Old Content And Redirect Chains appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Daily Search Forum Recap: December 29, 2022


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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New Google Search Algorithm Ranking Fluctuations On December 26th


While it has been calm for the past several days, today is a new day and I am seeing some signs of more volatility and ranking fluctuations as of the past 24 hours or less. Some of the automated tracking tools are picking it up, and I am seeing some renewed chatter in the SEO industry.

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Google: "Here" Is Bad Link Text


Lizzi Sassman from Google said in this morning’s Google SEO office hours that using the anchor text “here,” the text for your hyperlink, is simply “bad link text.” Instead, you should use more descriptive text for the page you are linking to.

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Google: Do Not Nofollow Links To Your Own Social Media Profiles


Google’s John Mueller said on Reddit that when it comes to linking from your site to your social medial profiles you should not nofollow those links. He added that you should add the rel=me attribute to them because it is an open standard to help others validate that this profile is yours.

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Many Marketers Worried About SEO & PPC Budgets Being Cut In 2023 Due To Recession


I conducted a very unscientific poll on Twitter asking marketers who do SEO and PPC if they are worried about their budgets being cut in 2023 due to the recession (or looming recession). 23% of marketers said they are very worried, 37% said they are somewhat worried and 40% said they are not worried.

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25 Women Who Rocked as B2B Industry Influencers in 2022


Over the past few years aka “the Covid years” the role of influence in B2B marketing has grown significantly. Our 2022 research report, The State of B2B Influencer Marketing , reported that 85% of B2B marketers believe that interest in working with influencers in the coming 12 months will increase.

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