7 Top B2B Influencer Marketing Trends for 2020

While there are some who think the expression “influencer” is an expired term, the role of influence on B2B buying decisions is irrefutable. According to the World Federation of Advertisers, 65% of multinational brands will increase influencer marketing spending in the next 12 months and there’s good reason for increased confidence: The 2019 Content Preferences Survey from DGR reports 95% of respondents favor credible content from industry influencers as a top preference, a 30% increase compared year over  year. Earlier this year in a post about The Business of Influence for 2019, I shared 5 influencer marketing trends including: Micro AND Macro influencers Centralizing Influencer Operations Always On Influencer Engagement Focus on Quality vs.

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7 Top B2B Influencer Marketing Trends for 2020

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