A Few Thoughts on Entering an Emerging International SEO Market

I have been in the fortunate position just recently of being able to pop in to meet the guys from the MEC Dubai offices and a number of other expats in non-related sectors too, and this got me thinking about all the challenges and opportunities that these people must face in establishing new team’s in countries around the world so thought I would compile a few thoughts that came to mind when thinking about this. My thinking was built around two different areas: the management of business elements in order to deliver an SEO solution, and the technical details of how the proposition is actually delivered.  So here, I’m just going to run through a few of the thoughts I had, but maybe you have your own you could add at the bottom too. Firstly, to provide a few examples of how markets could differ, here are a few points to put the ideas in context.

A Few Thoughts on Entering an Emerging International SEO Market


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