A Successful Launch—What Next?

So, you’ve actually launched a PPC account! Woo-hoo! I think back to that great IBM commercial from a few years ago where an anxious boardroom launches the company website and the first sale appears on the monitor. They all cheer.

Originally posted here:
A Successful Launch—What Next?


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A Successful Launch—What Next?

So, you’ve actually launched a PPC account! Woo-hoo! I think back to that great IBM commercial from a few years ago where an anxious boardroom launches the company website and the first sale appears on the monitor.

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A Successful Launch—What Next?

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A Successful Launch—What Next?

So, you’ve actually launched a PPC account! Woo-hoo! I think back to that great IBM commercial from a few years ago where an anxious boardroom launches the company website and the first sale appears on the monitor. They all cheer.

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A Successful Launch—What Next?


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