Android Ad Revenue Forecast to Top $1 Billion in 2012

Android advertising revenue could potentially generate $1 billion for Google next year. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster says Android generated $5.90 per user in mobile advertising in 2010, and that number is expected to jump to $9.85 in 2012, aided in part by in-app advertising from the Android Market app store.

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Android Ad Revenue Forecast to Top $1 Billion in 2012

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Android Ad Revenue Forecast to Top $1 Billion in 2012

Android advertising revenue could potentially generate $1 billion for Google next year. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster says Android generated $5.90 per user in mobile advertising in 2010, and that number is expected to jump to $9.85 in 2012, aided in part by in-app advertising from the Android Market app store.

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Android Ad Revenue Forecast to Top $1 Billion in 2012

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