Around the World in 50 Captivating Digital Marketing Statistics

Sit back and join us for a journey through 50 recent digital marketing statistics that combine to tell a captivating tale of change, innovation, and generational preferences in an industry that changes faster than Jules Verne’s Phileas Fogg could ever have envisioned in “Around The World in 80 Days.” via GIPHY Statistics exploring each of the B2B, influencer, content, and social media flavors of marketing combine to tell a captivating and unique story of how digital marketing has evolved over the past year, and offer us a great opportunity to better understand which trends the numbers are pointing to for the future. We’ve arranged this numerical journey of various insightful digital marketing statistics to build up from those with the smallest percentage to the highest , and we hope you’ll gain a generous helping of new ideas through this lighthearted statistical look at where marketing is, and where it’s heading. Why should digital marketers care about these statistics

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Around the World in 50 Captivating Digital Marketing Statistics

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