Blekko & Stack Overflow Team Up; Is The Future Celebrity Endorsed Search Indexes?

Search engine upstart, Blekko, continuing it’s quest to form an alliance against spam has partnered with Stack Overflow, “a programming Q&A site built by programmers for programmers”. This follows a blog post at the start of 2011 from StackOverflow’s CTO, Jeff Attwood which cited Trouble in the House of Google and, along with a rising tide of criticism, ultimately caused Matt Cutts to launch a new algorithm that attacks ‘junk’ sites, such as those Made For Adsense (MFA) and content farms. We’re seeing better Google results already, but Blekko is still putting pressure by endeavouring to take an even stronger stance against spam

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Blekko & Stack Overflow Team Up; Is The Future Celebrity Endorsed Search Indexes?


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