Blueglass LA Session: Links matter: How to measure and attain them

Moderator:  Chris Winfield Speakers: Rand Fishkin , CEO and CO-Founder, SEOmoz Dave Snyder , Partner, Search & Social Rand is up first, so here we go! Strategic Link Analysis for SEO Step 1 – Determine your goals The links match in different ways to different goals.  If you’re in marketing and you want to attract a specific person, you don’t want to do a SuperBowl ad – you want to do a niche campaign. The most common goals we see – Individual Competitive Rankings Greater Indexation Improve a Site’s Ability to Rank Pages Dominate the SERPs Match Goals to Competitive Analysis Once you know what you need to do – whether it’s a few phrases or several, the question is: What do I need to rank here

Blueglass LA Session: Links matter: How to measure and attain them


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