BlueGlass TPA Only 16 Days Away : Last Chance for SEJ Readers

Good morning SEJ Readers! Later on in the month, down in sunny Tampa, FL, we will be holding an intimate and stellar Online marketing event called BlueGlass TPA. Search Engine Journal is an official media partner of BlueGlass TPA, and assisted with the lineup and content for the conference. BlueGlass has held two events in the past (SEJ held them previously) and our upcoming BlueGlass TPA has shaped up to be an incredible mix of speakers and attendees from various fields of search & social media marketing – representing companies such as Disney, AOL, Cisco, Microsoft Bing, Trada, Digitas, CopyBlogger, Slashdot and so many more.

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BlueGlass TPA Only 16 Days Away : Last Chance for SEJ Readers

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