Carol Bartz Has No Flickr Account Writes Flickr Enthusiast

Following Carol Bartz’s email , announcing 650 layoffs at Yahoo (just days before the holidays), Thomas Hawk, an enthusiastic Flickr user – one of the, if not most, successful photos-sharing site in the world – has written an open letter to Carol Bartz airing his frustration towards the Yahoo CEO. He charges Bartz of neglect towards Flickr, one of the “most important and significant cultural treasures of our lifetime” and expresses dismay at Yahoo’s current strategy of buttoning down the hatches to focus on the ’strengths’ such as email, the homepage, search, mobile, advertising and content. In assessing her performance as a CEO over the last two years Hawk categorically gives Carol Bartz a ‘fail grade’, where she personally gave herself a ‘B-’ and a ‘pass’

Carol Bartz Has No Flickr Account Writes Flickr Enthusiast

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