Earn With Useful #Marketing, How To Build Google-Safe Links, and More From #Pubcon 2014 by @mattsouthern

Jay Baer of Convince and Convert kicked off the final day of Pubcon as only he could, and luckily for him, three days in Las Vegas didn’t stop anyone from getting up early and packing the convention center. With the exhibition hall closed on the last day, that left a full day devoted to keynotes with some of the most prolific marketing personalities, and sessions with panels of experts in their respective fields. Morning Keynote: Jay Baer Baer spoke to a standing room only crowd about how marketing is harder than it has ever been due to the fact that […] The post Earn With Useful #Marketing, How To Build Google-Safe Links, and More From #Pubcon 2014 by @mattsouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Earn With Useful #Marketing, How To Build Google-Safe Links, and More From #Pubcon 2014 by @mattsouthern

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