Elevate B2B Marketing News Weekly Roundup: B2B Content Marketing Study, Top Enterprise Ad Priorities & Creativity’s Rising Brand Role

B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Outlook for 2024 [Research] 72 percent of B2B marketers have said that they use generative AI tools, with 51 percent using the technology to help brainstorm new ideas, while some 61 percent have indicated that their organization currently lacks AI usage guidelines — three of numerous findings contained in newly-published annual B2B content marketing report data from Content Marketing Institute. Content Marketing Institute These Are Enterprise Organizations’ Top Digital Advertising Priorities 55 percent of enterprise digital marketing executives have said that improved return-on-investment (ROI) and effectiveness combine as their top priority in the coming year, with 52 percent pointing to the unification of creative and paid media teams within their organization, according to recently-published survey data of interest to B2B marketers. MarketingCharts Topic Talk: Study Shows What Marketers Are Researching When it comes to what marketers are researching, during the second quarter of 2023, marketing research on content personalization increased by 522 percent, with research surrounding real-time personalization up some 185 percent, according to newly-published study data

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Elevate B2B Marketing News Weekly Roundup: B2B Content Marketing Study, Top Enterprise Ad Priorities & Creativity’s Rising Brand Role

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