Facebook Translation Powered by Bing Translator

Facebook recently introduced a new feature that enables users to translate posts and comments inline on Facebook Pages. The new feature, which is powered by Bing Translator, will quickly translate a post when a user clicks the “Translate” button. After a Facebook user clicks the translate button, a popout window appears and Bing Translator will translate the comment (machine translation).

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Facebook Translation Powered by Bing Translator


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Facebook Translation Powered by Bing Translator

Facebook recently introduced a new feature that enables users to translate posts and comments inline on Facebook Pages. The new feature, which is powered by Bing Translator, will quickly translate a post when a user clicks the “Translate” button. After a Facebook user clicks the translate button, a popout window appears and Bing Translator will translate the comment (machine translation).

See the article here:
Facebook Translation Powered by Bing Translator


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