Facebook Updates Newsfeed, No Impact On Graph Search (Today)

We’ve covered this morning’s changes and enhancements to Facebook Newsfeed over at Marketing Land: Facebook Newsfeed Evolving Into “The Best Personalized Newspaper” How To Get The New Facebook News Feed Power To Separate Feeds: A Look At The Filtering Inside The New Facebook News Feed… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Facebook Updates Newsfeed, No Impact On Graph Search (Today)


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Facebook Updates Newsfeed, No Impact On Graph Search (Today)

We’ve covered this morning’s changes and enhancements to Facebook Newsfeed over at Marketing Land: Facebook Newsfeed Evolving Into “The Best Personalized Newspaper” How To Get The New Facebook News Feed Power To Separate Feeds: A Look At The Filtering Inside The New Facebook News Feed… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

Read the rest here:
Facebook Updates Newsfeed, No Impact On Graph Search (Today)


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