Gary Illyes From Google Wants Googlebot To Crawl Less

Gary Illyes from Google posted on LinkedIn that his mission this year is to “figure out how to crawl even less, and have fewer bytes on wire.” He added that Googlebot should “be more intelligent about caching and internal cache sharing among user agents, and we should have fewer bytes on wire.”

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Gary Illyes From Google Wants Googlebot To Crawl Less

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Gary Illyes From Google Wants Googlebot To Crawl Less

Gary Illyes from Google posted on LinkedIn that his mission this year is to “figure out how to crawl even less, and have fewer bytes on wire.” He added that Googlebot should “be more intelligent about caching and internal cache sharing among user agents, and we should have fewer bytes on wire.”

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Gary Illyes From Google Wants Googlebot To Crawl Less

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