
“I got up so tight I couldn’t unwind…I saw so much I broke my mind…I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.”   Kenny Rogers If you don’t know what movie this picture is from, shame on you :.) Let me tell you about an SEO gig I didn’t get.  I was told the reason why was that I couldn’t show the prospect that I had done SEO a site that had an obvious big $$$ keyword (e.g. shoes) at the top of Google.  The prospect’s top money keyword was ranked #2 in Google; he desired it to be #1; and although his previous SEO generated excellent results for him, he wasn’t comfortable with how the relationship had progressed and desired a change.  However, in his case, I firmly believe that he was seeking out the wrong type of SEO for his site. SEO for huge, global e-Commerce sites that compete for big B to C search terms is an entirely different job than what I’ve performed up until now.  These “big game hunters” spent much of their time evangelizing search marketing to different departments & to the C-level folks in order to get the necessary buy-in to get any effort started

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