Google’s Domain

“This guy comes up to me His face red like a rose on a thorn bush Like all the colors of a royal flush And he’s peeling off those dollar bills Slapping them down One hundred, two hundred…” U2 “Bullet The Blue Sky” The Cincinnati Kid I attended our recent Portland  SEMpdx Event on “ Link Building in 2011 ”.  The speakers were most excellent as usual (like I’d say anything else since I’m a SEMpdx Board Member), but the final speaker, my friend Scott Hendison , brought forth a concept (that shouldn’t be new to most of you) that I felt should be explored in more depth and detail (his ideas, my writing & spin): Society has “laws”.  Google has “guidelines”.  Google’s “guidelines” aren’t laws and shouldn’t be considered as such. Google has total control of each and every aspect of their index.  Being included in Google is a right not a privilege and in order to stay in Google’s good graces, your website needs to comply with Google’s guidelines.  However, Google’s algorithm is imperfect and no matter how advanced it gets and how much they tweak it, sites that fall outside of their guidelines may not only be included in their index but actually rank well and achieve much profit for their owners.

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Google’s Domain


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