Google’s Eric Schmidt Seeks Rapprochement With French Over Proposed Newspaper-Linking Tax

Earlier this month Google, which past French president Jacques Chirac once called an agent of “Anglo-Saxon cultural Imperialism,” threatened to stop linking to French news websites after French publishers and the French government floated a proposal to require the search engine to… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google’s Eric Schmidt Seeks Rapprochement With French Over Proposed Newspaper-Linking Tax

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Google’s Eric Schmidt Seeks Rapprochement With French Over Proposed Newspaper-Linking Tax

Earlier this month Google, which past French president Jacques Chirac once called an agent of “Anglo-Saxon cultural Imperialism,” threatened to stop linking to French news websites after French publishers and the French government floated a proposal to require the search engine to… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Read more:
Google’s Eric Schmidt Seeks Rapprochement With French Over Proposed Newspaper-Linking Tax

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