Google Search Engineer Defends SEO On Hacker News

Normally it is Googlers defending Google on Hacker News but Ryan Moulton, a software engineer at Google since 2006, who I think works on the Google search team, is defending SEO and the SEO business on Hacker News. In short, a blogger called out an email he received from a link builder asking to buy or get a link from his site

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Google Search Engineer Defends SEO On Hacker News


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Google Search Engineer Defends SEO On Hacker News

Normally it is Googlers defending Google on Hacker News but Ryan Moulton, a software engineer at Google since 2006, who I think works on the Google search team, is defending SEO and the SEO business on Hacker News. In short, a blogger called out an email he received from a link builder asking to buy or get a link from his site

Original post:
Google Search Engineer Defends SEO On Hacker News


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