How to Rally Around ROI & Prioritize Your Digital Marketing Efforts in the Face of Budget Cuts

Ask any marketer if they’ve ever had to contend with the shrinking or deep cutting of their budgets, odds are you’ll get a deep sigh and a “more than once” response. Organizations are always looking for efficiencies and ways to tighten their financial belt, and marketing departments are among the first to be placed on the chopping block because it all comes down to ROI —something many modern marketers find hard to prove In fact, according to a recent report from Demand Gen Report and BrightFunnel, 58% of B2B organizations surveyed said their current ability to measure and analyze marketing performance “needs improvement” or worse. So, if you’re staring down a budget reduction, don’t panic.

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How to Rally Around ROI & Prioritize Your Digital Marketing Efforts in the Face of Budget Cuts

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