How to Turn Your Copy from “Bull” to “Believable”

Glaring red fonts and highlighted text aside, there’s one facet of copywriting that’s true no matter who you’re writing for – Yelling louder doesn’t make your writing more believable.   You can paste up all the screenshots you want as “proof”, but when it comes right down to it, the customer’s innate resistance is giving them every reason NOT to place that order. One of the most effective ways to overcome that resistance is not to butter them up with benefits (although that helps!) but to make your copy believable.  Online, there’s no shortage of fantastic claims about every product under the sun.  By now, people are attuned to and have learned to weed out the bull in the sales pitches they read, to the point where lesser – but more believable – results are what stands out

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How to Turn Your Copy from “Bull” to “Believable”


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