If You Care about SEO, You Need to Know about Video

Here’s a one-question quiz to determine whether your e-business is a serious, viable enterprise: Q: Do you have video on your website? A: The only right answers are, “yes” or “we will soon.” Not so long ago, videos were nice to have on a website.  They were a frill.  They were something fancy to attract a visitor, not an integral part of an e-business’ plan for effective SEO and increased conversions.  Today, video is a necessity, and e-businesses that fail to implement multimedia and to do it well will soon find themselves falling far behind competitors. We can trace this new reality back to a decision Google made in 2007.  That was the year when the search engine giant integrated video into its universal search offering.  Since then, websites featuring video have gained a significant SEO advantage.

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If You Care about SEO, You Need to Know about Video


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