Online Marketing in 2011: 4 Things to Do Now to be Prepared

This is the time of year that many of us are thinking about what we didn’t do in 2010 and what we should do for 2011.  Even professional online marketers have a long ‘to do’ list of things to improve their online marketing performance – made up of tasks to specifically improve ROI or something to save time and improve efficiency.  For those of you that are doing your own online marketing, this sort of tasks may be way down on your list, way below items more specifically related to your business.  These are the types of tasks that may not be ‘sexy’ and fun, which is why they are easily ‘put on the long finger’ (as they say in Ireland), but are critical to bring the best results from your online marketing activities.

Online Marketing in 2011: 4 Things to Do Now to be Prepared

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