Organic Search Traffic Brings Qualified Traffic! A Local Story

For the last year or so, I have done some very simple optimization for a local electrician with the goal in mind that he could get a couple more leads in this tough economic time.  This client never had a website and was the typical “yellow page” advertising tradesman.    One day when discussing the economy and gas prices we talked about SEO and the value that organic search can bring to small businesses. This electrician was not new to the “miracle technique” that brings you a thousand new clients for $19.99 a month.  In fact he has several sleazy sales people calling him a month about such tactics.  How did I get him to talk to me? Easy, he’s my father in law! Ok, I’ll admit it I offered my services for free but it was to prove that organic search traffic brings (when targeted properly) qualified traffic.    I was absolutely set on changing his opinion on a service that so many people have ruined by fake promises.

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Organic Search Traffic Brings Qualified Traffic! A Local Story

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