Report: Verizon And Google In “Neutrality” Agreement Over Preferred Content Access

We’ll have to wait and see what emerges from the reported discussions between Verizon and Google. However prospect of a patchwork of agreements between large internet companies and ISPs like Verizon over web traffic is highly undesirable. The private Google-Verizon talks are an apparent response to the slow pace of progress on “net neutrality” discussions at *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

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Report: Verizon And Google In “Neutrality” Agreement Over Preferred Content Access

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Report: Verizon And Google In “Neutrality” Agreement Over Preferred Content Access

We’ll have to wait and see what emerges from the reported discussions between Verizon and Google. However prospect of a patchwork of agreements between large internet companies and ISPs like Verizon over web traffic is highly undesirable.

Follow this link:
Report: Verizon And Google In “Neutrality” Agreement Over Preferred Content Access

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