Seasoned CMO Maria Pergolino Charts the Path to Creating a Category

What is the ultimate goal for any business or marketing unit?  There are many valid answers to this question. But I think the subject of Maria Pergolino ’s REVTalk on Tuesday morning at B2B Sales and Marketing Exchange (B2BSMX) in Boston offers a worthy aspiration for just about any organization: creating a category.  Brands that are universally held in high esteem and pointed to as shining examples of marketing mastery – such as Uber, Salesforce, and Starbucks – often share this distinction. Their names ring synonymous with what they do.  As a seasoned marketing executive who’s overseen this outcome at a number of different companies over the years, Maria has developed acute expertise on category creation, and offered us a glimpse of her process.

See the original post here:
Seasoned CMO Maria Pergolino Charts the Path to Creating a Category

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