SEO Recap: Amazing Finds On Twitter This Week

There were some fantastic and very important articles around the web this week. Here are some of our favorites. Happy reading! SEO – 7 Technical SEO Wins for Web Developers – Distilled – The Meta Keywords Tag Lives At Bing & Why Only Spammers Should Use It – Search Engine Land – Social Signals & SEO: Focus on Authority – Eric Enge on Search Engine Watch – Google Questions & Answers from Matt Cutts Live Q&A – Sept 2011 – StepForth – 5 SEO Issues That Can Affect A Link Campaign – Search Engine Land – A Writer’s Guide to Working With Keywords (Without Tearing Your Hair Out) – Nicki Porter, Copypress – HTML5 and SEO: New Strategies for Optimizing Code – Vertical Measures – 7 notes from the inhouse SEO to agency SEO’s – State of Search Analytics – Making search more secure: Accessing search query data in Google Analytics – Google Analytics Blog – Google Whores Out Users With False Privacy Claims – Yoost de Valk on SEOBook – Google To Begin Encrypting Searches & Outbound Clicks By Default With SSL Search – Danny Sullivan on Search Engine Land – SEO Under Attack – The Google Analytics Keyword Data Apocalypse – Alan Bleiweiss on SEJ – Now We Will Need To Pay To See Keyword Referrer Data?

SEO Recap: Amazing Finds On Twitter This Week

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