Sign Me Up: How B2B Marketers Will Create Top-Notch Newsletters In 2022

What do B2B marketers need to know about crafting a successful email newsletter strategy in 2022 and beyond? What’s changed with newsletter creation during the pandemic, and which fundamental qualities will endure the shifts of time as B2B marketing — and most importantly — the people who build and read newsletters, evolve? While 47 percent of B2B marketers see email as a productive avenue for driving revenue ( ANA ), digital newsletters typically offer even greater effectiveness, especially as dark social, disappearing web browser cookie data, and an increase in the number of folks using ad-blocking technology are on the rise — a topic we recently explored in ” Traffic’s Black Hole: What B2B Marketers Need To Know About Dark Social .” Email newsletter offer a fantastic way to meet some of these challenges head on, while also solidifying the human connections that help drive B2B marketing success.

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Sign Me Up: How B2B Marketers Will Create Top-Notch Newsletters In 2022

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