Social Media and the Law

Last year, my wife finished law school in New York’s capital .  As a member of the American Bar Association, she receives their monthly ABA Journal, and every month (without fail) she leaves it on my desk with a sticky note bookmarking an article on “Social Media” as it relates to the law.  [I love her!] Now, I’m no lawyer; but as an entrepreneur the law is something I need to keep an eye on for my business.  From a lawyer’s standpoint, however, there’s nothing more exciting than arguing a case for which there is little or no precedent.  And there seems to be few areas of the law more fruitful these days than when it includes Social Media.  As a result, we’re seeing a growing number of cases where the the two converge and this trend shows no signs of slowing down.  So whether you’re involved in Social Media for business or personal reasons, paying attention to some of these hot button issues might be wise.  Here’s just a few: Privacy Despite Facebook’s constant criticism for their privacy policies, there’s little about what they’ve done that actually pertains to the law.  Regardless of whether or not you agree with some of the changes and/or policies, their service depends upon people sharing information, and may always default to such.  What people need to understand is that even for those who have mastered Facebook’s privacy settings, everything that you put online can be used against you in court.

See original here:
Social Media and the Law

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