The Top 11 SEO Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them) …AKA STOP THE MADNESS!

I know, I know, it’s all been said and done, but I went the extra mile and am giving you not just 10 mistakes but 11 mistakes!  Mistakes that people are making every single day, over and over again.  It’s worth repeating until we stop the madness . Here we go… Mistake Number One: Not optimizing your site Solution: Optimize your site! J I know it’s pretty basic but it’s amazing how many people say “Why am I not ranked on top of the engines” and when you start asking questions you find out they never optimized their site or worked on link building.  People seem to resent having to pay for SEO (don’t get me wrong, if you have skills and time you can most definitely do it yourself – but you can’t fool yourself – you have to really have the knowledge and skills and make the time).   But you have to remember, building a site and not promoting it (through SEO, social media, PPC and all the various methods out there) is the same as opening a store on a street no one ever walks or drives down and then keeping the lights off, not having a sign and putting paper over the windows.  No one knows it’s there. Mistake Number Two: Not doing proper keyword research and ignoring longtail opportunities.

The Top 11 SEO Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them) …AKA STOP THE MADNESS!


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