Uncover Your Most Valuable Keywords with Aira’s New Keyword Opportunity Estimation Tool

Whether speaking to senior management or just trying to figure out what direction our SEO strategy should take next, as SEOs we often find ourselves asking the same question: “but what could I get from this?” Particularly when we’re prioritizing work across different keywords, it can be hard to know: What rank we can expect to achieve (rather than just assuming position 1 for everything). What we could get from that ranking in terms of traffic/conversions. What that means in terms of additional traffic or revenue It can really trip us up if any of our predictions are based on wild rankings we could never achieve, or if we accidentally include traffic we’re already getting anyway! So, what’s the solution to solve all of that, and ensure we focus on getting the biggest bang for our buck?

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Uncover Your Most Valuable Keywords with Aira’s New Keyword Opportunity Estimation Tool


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