Why Relying On Organic Search Traffic Alone Is A Risky Business by @BrockbankJames

image credit: Shutterstock We have all been guilty of relying on organic search traffic and organic search traffic alone as a traffic source at some point during our careers. However, deep down I think we’ve all known for year that this approach is a risky business and that, to ensure its sustainable success, any internet Author information James Brockbank James Brockbank is an experienced UK based digital marketing consultant who specialises in creating sustainable campaigns which are bespoke to an individuals needs and requirements and create value for clients Twitter Google+ The post Why Relying On Organic Search Traffic Alone Is A Risky Business by @BrockbankJames appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Why Relying On Organic Search Traffic Alone Is A Risky Business by @BrockbankJames


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