YouTube Merch Store Aims to Make YouTube a Musical Hub

YouTube, which has over 800 million monthly visitors and three billion daily video views, recently announced a new feature: Merch Store. The new service will allow YouTube’s users to download music, purchase merchandise, and buy concert tickets through YouTube’s partners. Christian Weitenberner, the senior technical account manager for YouTube, said the following of the new service in Sunday’s YouTube blog post: “Fans will be able to buy artists’ merchandise, digital downloads, concert tickets and even unique experiences like meetups. These features are made possible through affiliates like Topspin for merchandise, concert tickets and experiences; Songkick for concerts; and iTunes and Amazon for music downloads.” Although YouTube indicated they will be compensated for the merchandise and ticket sales that originate on their site, the company declined to provide details of the financial agreement between YouTube and its partners

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YouTube Merch Store Aims to Make YouTube a Musical Hub


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