Archive for June, 2010

The Karate Kid Google Movie Reviews Are Wrong?


If you do a search in Google for [karate kid movie] up comes a one box result for The Karate Kid movie. But it has only a two star review on average from users. Why?

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Good Copy, Bad Copy: The Magic Is In The Headlines


You Blog and tweet and optimize your site and pay for ads and Facebook and syndicate articles….all to drive traffic to your site. So what happens when the traffic gets there?

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Good Copy, Bad Copy: The Magic Is In The Headlines


You Blog and tweet and optimize your site and pay for ads and Facebook and syndicate articles….all to drive traffic to your site. So what happens when the traffic gets there? With only a few seconds to grab the attention of your site visitor and pull them into your site – your headline is the most important element of your website (this applies to email subject lines, headlines on ad copy, and headlines on articles – really all of your marketing) Many people think of their website as a store, and they open with “Welcome.”  While it’s nice to welcome people and that is what you would do if someone walked into a physical store, it is not the same for a website.

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Quickly Diagnose Your Page with Instant SEO Review


Last week we featured interview with Scott Hendison of SEO Automatic and it prompted me to go ahead and try their free SEO tools.

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Google Places/Maps Custom Attributes Errors?


A Google Places Help thread reports that when adding custom attributes to your Google Maps listings you get an error that reads “Your attribute value is too long.” An attorney trying to add custom attributes said: I tried to add…

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World Cup: Webmasters Complaining About Less Searches, Traffic & Ad Clicks


Some webmasters are complaining that they are noticing less traffic to their web sites due to possibly people watching the world cup. Instead of people sitting on their computers and browsing, shopping, searching – they are sitting in front of…

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What Is Latent Semantic Indexing


Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a system used by Google and other major search engines ( Update: read here , thanks for the Tweets, guys ) The contents of a webpage are crawled by a search engine and the most common words and phrases are collated and identified as the keywords for the page. LSI looks for synonyms related to the title of your page.

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The Power of Blogs & Social Media in B2B Marketing


54 Billion. That’s what Forrester Research predicts for US B2B Social Media Marketing spending by 2014. As a living example of a B2B company that fully leverages blogging and social media in our online marketing, TopRank Marketing has a lot of first-hand insight that we can share with clients.

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The Power of Blogs & Social Media in B2B Marketing


54 Billion. That’s what Forrester Research predicts for US B2B Social Media Marketing spending by 2014. As a living example of a B2B company that fully leverages blogging and social media in our online marketing, TopRank Marketing has a lot of first-hand insight that we can share with clients

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And Now, Google Itself Runs Oil Spill Ads


We’ve covered earlier how both BP and legal firms are advertising on Google.

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