was arguably the original Q&A engine. Now the site is seeking to introduce a new product, which leverages both its search assets and the community. was arguably the original Q&A engine. Now the site is seeking to introduce a new product, which leverages both its search assets and the community.
Google, BingaHoo! just so you know: nothin’ but love from me. You guys rock
Google has confirmed a bug that prevents some searchers from using Google search.
This is something Zappos has done for years that really needs to catch on more than it has, because: The rewards for corporations are huge, and Tthe competition is too risk-averse to do it. And avoiding all risks is not the way to run a winning company.
The Google Maps team has been fielding questions via Google Moderator and has produced currently eight video responses to the most popular questions. This is very similar to what Matt Cutts does on the Google Webmaster Help YouTube channel. Google..
You need a laugh, don’t you?
Visiting Google today on any Google property you will find a special Google logo for Josef Frank. It is Josef Frank’s 125th birthday, he was born on July 15, 1885 and died on January 8, 1967 in Stockholm, Sweden.
WebmasterWorld’s moderator, incrediBill, posted a thread at WebmasterWorld noting that Yahoo’s URL Ping server seems to have gone offline recently. As he explains, when he tries to access the documented Ping URLs, he gets a dead response.
Two months ago, Google began testing a new AdWords type named broad match modifier. It basically allowed you to be “more specific with your broad match keywords, but be more lax than the phrase based match,” as I explained then….
An overview of some of today’s ad/tech news not to be missed. Click to read the rest of this post…