You may be thinking “Why do I care if I am a good client or not? They don’t have to like me, but they do have to get me results” That is true – and whether they like you or not should most definitely not impact the results you get (although we all see it, when someone is liked and easy to work with, they tend to get more favors – people are willing to go the extra mile for a grateful/easy client – not saying that’s right or wrong, just saying it’s a fact of life!) BUT the kind of client you are can actually be a determining factor in your level of success! Let’s break this all down a little bit… A good client understands what they are getting and values the services. If they aren’t clear they ask questions and make it their business to understand what is included and what is reasonable to expect in terms of results. (Side note to SEO Firms: work with your client on this. A good SEO firm will work with the client to ensure they understand this and ensure all questions are answered! ) A bad client thinks they are paying you something (whether it’s $5 or $50) and they expect the sun, the moon, all the stars and they want their cake to eat too