Many SEOs bill by the hour or offer monthly pricing plans.
Many SEOs bill by the hour or offer monthly pricing plans.
There is an interesting WebmasterWorld thread where a webmaster said he did a site move to a new domain and the PageRank funneled within days. Specifically, he had a discussion forum and store on a .com, he bought a .net..
Time after time, Google has said spam links can’t hurt you.
Imagine you go slap happy with the internal linking on your site. You try to make sure you effectively link all important keywords on your pages to the appropriate internal pages but you go overboard. Can it hurt you?
As search marketers, we are often asked to look at multi-dimensional data. This is often cumbersome, boring and overwhelming to go through
Google Instant took flight yesterday from the ashes of some mysterious logos and via a live transmission on Google’s Official Youtube Channel . What was announced was arguably the biggest change in the user interface (UI) of search engine results pages since search engines were invented and one of the most sophisticated engineering projects for Google since Caffeine. Ben Gomes, Distinguished Engineer at Google , had a great phrase to summarize the announcement, “Google Instant seems so obvious, that in retrospect, you’ll wonder if search could have been any other way.” Click to read the rest of this post…
A new tactic to get web site traffic I’ve seen lately is to make a drastic change that will create a buzz. Whether a web site undergoes a complete redesign or removes a previous function, we know that no matter what the change is, some people are going to hate it
Posted by Danny Dover
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Launches AdWords Help Site For Small Business Google has announced a new website aimed at offering tips and advice for small business owners that use AdWords. It’s called the AdWords Small Business Center.
Next week I’ll get to experience two firsts: A visit to Hong Kong for the first time and speaking at an all new Search Engine Strategies conference for Asia. SES Hong Kong includes a great mix of expertise and leadership on all things search and social media