This is very very early and I don’t have evidence of this myself, since I don’t monitor rankings, but a single post at WebmasterWorld suggested there is a Bing update taking place. textex, someone I trust at the forum, who..
This is very very early and I don’t have evidence of this myself, since I don’t monitor rankings, but a single post at WebmasterWorld suggested there is a Bing update taking place. textex, someone I trust at the forum, who..
After almost a decade of being in a search partnership, Google and AOL have announced this morning that they have come to a five-year contract renewal and expansion agreement. With this partnership, Google will continue to power AOL’s searches in addition to providing mobile search. Also, YouTube has agreed to to bring AOL videos to its site as part of the expansion
Yesterday I reported Google is testing “sponsored map icons” in the US. They are basically enhanced point of interest icons using the company’s logo, instead of the basic POI (point of interest) icon Google uses on the map views.
Remember back in 2001, during the good old days (of the internet) when you could actually use Google Adwords as a means to drive quality traffic to your website, at an extremely low investment to the advertiser? Back when niche keywords cost .05 – .20 per click and if you really wanted to open up your pockets and bid on broader terms, you would pay .25 – .75 per click. Now days you would be so lucky to find a niche where you can pay under $1.00/click
Remember back in 2001, during the good old days (of the internet) when you could actually use Google Adwords as a means to drive quality traffic to your website, at an extremely low investment to the advertiser? Back when niche keywords cost .05 – .20 per click and if you really wanted to open up your pockets and bid on broader terms, you would pay .25 – .75 per click. Now days you would be so lucky to find a niche where you can pay under $1.00/click.
I doubt you missed the big SEO community news from yesterday. Danny Sullivan announced in a Sphinn thread that Sphinn will be going the editorial route and be removing voting. Instead, editors will decide what should be on the front…
The Google Merchant Blog announced they have opened up the help documents for how merchants can submit content, such as local stock inventory levels, for their products. Google said this is still a limited beta program, which was first announced in March of this year
Some users have recently been having difficultly removing verified users in Google Webmaster Tools. Google allows you to give multiple users access to view your Google Webmaster Tools reports and data. Sometimes you want to revoke access to some of…
The obsessed (in a cool geeky way) webmasters at WebmasterWorld are discussing recent patterns they noticed with how Google’s spider, GoogleBot has been accessing their site recently. One said GoogleBot is crawling 50% less than it normally does. Others are…
The obsessed (in a cool geeky way) webmasters at WebmasterWorld are discussing recent patterns they noticed with how Google’s spider, GoogleBot has been accessing their site recently. One said GoogleBot is crawling 50% less than it normally does.