Archive for October, 2010

Google Appoints Privacy Director & Adds New Privacy Measures


Google has announced they have increased their privacy controls within Google to better secure user privacy. Google has done this in response to them collecting data over wifi via their street view cars. Google has added three broad changes to help secure private data going forward: (1) They appointed a director of privacy, Alma *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: October 22, 2010


This week at the Search Engine Roundtable I cover a nice amount of topics, I wanted to highlight the most important items. First, Yahoo Site Explorer has dropped out a ton of the links, Yahoo is saying it is Microsoft’s..

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AdWords Trademark Policy Q&A With Terri Chen, Chief Trademark Counsel


As great as it must be to be Google, there are probably a zillion issues that probably bog them down just like any other big company. Take for example the logistics behind the legalities they deal with regarding trademark issues on their AdWords platform

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Google Voice Search Announces Four New Language Additions


Google’s mobile blog posted yesterday that it has launched four new languages in Voice Search. Czech, Polish, Russian and Turkish are the newest additions to the Google Voice Search family

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Rasmussen College Partners with Market Motive to Offer Specialized Internet Marketing Curriculum


Announced this week is a new partnership between Rasmussen College and Market Motive, one of the leaders in Internet marketing and training. With this partnership students in the Rasmussen Business Management Bachelor’s program can opt into a specialization in Internet Marketing. Top notch training in this program will come straight from Market Motive leaders including Bryan Eisenberg, Aavinash Kaushik, and Todd Malicoat; these men have authored books on the subjects of search engine optimization, web analytics, paid search and conversion optimization

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SPONSOR MESSAGE: A search marketer’s guide to attribution modeling


The pros and cons of last-click and multi-touch models This guide discusses: Seven ideas to use pay per click to drive offline conversions The pros and cons of last-click versus multi-touch models Eight elements to consider when creating attribution models Download Now *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

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Duplicate Content and Multiple Sites – SES Chicago


The second session on my liveblogging hitllist for SES Chicago is the “Duplicate Content and Multiple Sites” moderated by Adam Audette. Unfortunatley, Michael Gray was not able to be there, so things started up with Susan Moskwa , Webmaster Trends Analyst from Google, and Shari Thurow was added on the fly.

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Google Earth: This Is (1945) London


Google has added new historical imagery for London on Google Earth. It allows users to see images of how the city looked during recent history, in this case 1945 and various points forward to the present. Below are three “yesterday” and “today” images from the new London archive: You can access this archival photography by using *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***

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Judge Orders Google To Give Up Harassers Info


Will Tuesday’s court ruling impact Google’s policy of what information they keep in their search results? A New York ruled that Google had to give a woman the information of who posted and placed harassing comments on a YouTube video, though the information could just be IP addresses, CBS News reported .

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Google Stop Indexing Blogger (Blogspot) Posts


For a couple days now, I have been spotting random threads with complaints from Blogger aka bloggers that Google has stopped indexing and ranking their new blog posts in Google web search. It turns out to be a large…

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