Russia’s top search engine Yandex will begin integrating Facebook data into its index, the companies announced yesterday.
Russia’s top search engine Yandex will begin integrating Facebook data into its index, the companies announced yesterday.
What are you going as for Halloween? If you’re dressing as Lady Gaga or Jersey Shore’s Snooki, perhaps think again. According to both Google and Hitwise, those are among the most popular Halloween costumes out there
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web….
I feel like I am writing for the wrong blog when i say this, but did anyone notice Mark Zuckerburg’s resemblance to Steve Jobs at the Bing-Facebook announcement ? The two met earlier this month , reportedly to iron out differences over Ping . By dressing the same are two of the wealthiest people in technology trying to show unity?
This may be the worse video recap I have ever done, so I apologize in advance – just really distracted while doing it. I first talked about the major indexing issue with Blogger and Blogspot new posts that Google..
Search engines are the number one way that consumers find out about new products, according to a new study commissioned by commerce software developer ATG. The survey was conducted online and polled 1,002 U.S.
Earlier this month, Bing announced a new deal with Facebook, where it would be showing you what your Facebook friends liked within search results.
Earlier this month, Bing announced a new deal with Facebook, where it would be showing you what your Facebook friends liked within search results. People are now reporting seeing the personalization appearing. Bing originally said the new feature was rolling out in the US when it launched on October 13 and that it would be going *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
The Bing-Facebook personalized search results are beginning to roll out. Some Bing users who are signed into Facebook are starting to see their Facebook profile pop up in the top right corner, along with an message: “Hi X, Bing just got better with your Facebook friends.” Click to read the rest of this post…