Archive for October, 2010

Google Pleases Local Optimizers & Upsets AdWords Optimizers With Place Search


Yesterday, Google officially announced Place Search.

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Google Confirms Major AdWords Quality Score Reporting Bug


If you visited any Google AdWords help forum in the past day or so, you would have seen dozens of complaints in the form of threads and posts from advertisers worried about their quality score. As you know, quality score…

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Branding Advantage Luxembourg, 80% Tax-Exemption for Income Derived from Intellectual Property


New tax advantages in Luxembourg for companies able and willing to register themselves there, have provided a strong undercurrent in economic news lately. Where income from intellectual property is derived, some companies will save/earn significantly due to these new laws. Let’s take a look at how developing intellectual property assets in Luxembourg could be a windfall.

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Gobble Gobble: Microsoft Bing/adCenter Swallows Yahoo Completely In US & Canada


As you know, Yahoo was planning on migrating everyone in the US and Canada over from their search ad platform to Microsoft adCenter by the end of this month. As Yahoo said, mission accomplished, Yahoo has successful handed themselves over..

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Overcoming Obstacles to Get Web Traffic!


On July 26, 2010 I launched , a humor website that offers viewers six funny updates a day. During the past three months, I have had over 45,000 views while spending only $13. Since then I have had to overcome two major obstacles.

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Google Creates Chrome Extension To Report Search Spam


Google loves when webmasters and SEOs report search/web spam to them.

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Only 13% of Visitors to Media Company Homepage Watch Pre-roll Video Ads


Video Sharing Analytics company, Tube Mogul conducted a little investigation to discover “what percent of unique visitors to a media company’s homepage will end up watching a pre-roll video ad?” Click to read the rest of this post…

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Step-By-Step: Choosing AdWords Placements


Continuing from last week’s introduction to placement targeting post, today we’ll discuss how you can set up one of these campaigns for your own account. Campaign Set Up Follow my Step-By-Step: Create An AdWords Content Campaign post from a few weeks ago to create campaigns, ad groups and ads

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Watching The World Series Through Google, Bing & Yahoo’s Eyes


The first game of the World Series is underway, as I write this. Curious about how it’s going, I turned to the search engines to see if they’d knock it out of the ballpark with some instant answers. Yep, if you’re a San Francisco Giants fan

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Bloomberg To Air “Game Changers” Documentary On Google


Bloomberg Television is airing a documentary on Thursday, Oct. 28 at 9PM Eastern about Google, as part of its “Game Changers” series.

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