Archive for November, 2010

SEO Claims Twitter Increased Rankings From Page 4 To Number 2 On Page 1


There is a subscription only thread at WebmasterWorld that has one SEO claiming he was able to increase his site’s ranking only through Twitter. What he did was send hundreds of Tweets over the timespan of two months. He tailored…

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Google Place Reviews Now Requires "Places Profile"


Mike Blumenthal reports Google is now requiring new Google Place Profiles for dropping reviews on Google Place listings. Mike said, If a current Google account user without a public profile attempts to write a review on a business Place Page..

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Just for SEOs – How to Find and Keep a Great Copywriter


One of the things I enjoy most about SEO is that I get to work with a lot of creative, talented specialists, especially copywriters. For those who don’t know, a copywriter is someone who writes marketing copy.

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Don’t Search For Oreos On Google Images, You Might Get Naked Girls


Just about a week ago, a upset searcher posted in the Google Web Search Help forums that stumbled upon a naked girl when searching on Google Images. No big deal right?

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Founder Berners-Lee Sees Social Media Corrupting His Intent For The Web


Web founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee warned “Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites represent “one of several threats” to the future of the world wide web,” the UK Guardian reported.

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Google Doodle Doesn’t Forget The Pumpkin Pie


Having given us the ” perfect turkey recipe ” yesterday, the Google Doodle link today offers a another recipe from Ina Garten – this time the pumpkin pie.

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What Does Real Social Media Success Look Like?


As I’ve been able to travel and meet marketers all over the U.S. and in other countries, I am always interested in learning how companies are viewing the value of their social media efforts. Marketing investments should be predicated by more than chasing the competition, satisfying an someone’s ego or acting solely on a gut feeling.

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Pew Studies Internet Use & Income Levels


The PEW Internet and American Life Project has come out with a new study about internet use based on household income that includes some data on how these segments use search. There’s also interesting stuff here about how income correlates to likelihood to rate and review products, pay for..

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No More Dedicated Adwords Reps For European Agencies


It appears the personal relationships between European agencies that run large scale Adwords spends and their dedicated Google reps is just not that important anymore. Effective January 1, European ad agencies will have to use the online support resources and a call center, Accuracast reported . Click to read the rest of this post..

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Roku + Hulu Plus = Pretty Awesome


Last week, the Roku player gained support for Hulu Plus.

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