Archive for January, 2011

Google Ranks Site: Results In Order Of Some Importance


Matt Cutts of Google posted a video on YouTube named How are site: results ranked?

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Why Won’t Google Use My META Description?


Posted by Dr. Pete I’ve seen some frustration in Q&A lately with how Google is handling search snippets and META descriptions. You may have seen a schizophrenic search result that looked something like this: Site owners are understandably frustrated when they see the META descriptions they’ve labored over get carelessly tossed aside

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Egypt: The Revolution Will Not Be Socialized; People: Yes It Will


In the wake of the Tunisian overthrow of their dictatorial regime, tens of thousands of Egyptians have started protesting in a number of cities across the country. One response the government has taken is to block Twitter. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Report: Click Fraud Rate Drops to 19.1% In Q4 2010


Click Forensics quarterly report on overall click fraud was released for the fourth quarter of 2010. They said the click fraud rate dropped from 22.3 percent in the previous quarter to 19.1% in the fourth quarter of 2010.

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Yahoo Reports More Layoffs, Q4 Revenue


Prior to releasing their Q4 results, Yahoo announced it is laying off another 1 percent of its workforce — approximately 135 of its 13,600 employees. Meanwhile, Google announced it will hire an additional 6,000 people in 2011

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23 Reasons To Add Video Blogging To Your Content Repertoire


In blogging, the written word will never die, but 2011 marks a time in blogging where creating video content has never been cheaper, or easier.

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Obama Takes State Of The Union Online


President Obama took his message to the internet last night, streaming the State of the Union address over the site. During the address Obama referenced Google and Facebook and the power of the United States technology industry. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Google To Buy Sentiment Analysis Engine, fflick


Google has started a process of acquiring sentiment analysis startup, fflick , for $10 million according to TechCrunch . It seems unlikely that fflick will be kept alive for its own sake, but rather the purchase is about acquiring the talent within this company founded by four former Digg employees. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Gambling Related Keywords Offering No Suggestions In Keyword Tool


Reported at WebmasterWorld, it appears that the Google keyword tool is blocking displaying suggested keywords for some gambling related terms. For example, if you try plugging in [casino] into the tool…

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SEO Is a Writer’s Profession Now


Ten years ago, if you wanted to achieve success in online business, you had to learn some technical stuff: HTML editing, scripting, FTP, numerous software tools.

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