Archive for January, 2011

Bing Hopes For Touchdown With New ESPN Partnership


Football fans have probably already seen plenty of Bing advertising across various sports. And as the Super Bowl approaches, you’re going to see more: Bing and ESPN have just announced a new partnership that involves two pre-Super Bowl promotions: A new feature called “I Am A…

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Searching For Old Versions of Web Sites? The Wayback Machine Is New and Improved


The Internet Archive was founded in 1996 to “build an internet library” and offers a searchable collection of digital collections. Internet Achive’s Wayback Machine (launched in 2001) has archived web pages going back to 1996, enabling historical snapshots of the web.

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In-House SEO: Integrating SEO into the Project Process


Posted by Geoff Kenyon If you make frequent updates to your site, it is easy for mistakes to have a big impact on your SEO. Sometimes page titles will contain only the company name, the noindex tag gets carried over from the test environment, or you might find that all internal links within a specific category are nofollowed.

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Google May Let You Blacklist Domains To Fight Spam


Ready for do-it-yourself spam fighting? Google has discussed giving searchers the ability to remove domains from its search results. That’s according to Matt Cutts, Google’s top spam fighter, who’s been posting frequently in a Hacker News discussion about Google’s search..

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Search Week in Review for Jan. 22, 2011


Here’s a recap of this week’s columns and news stories for the week of Jan. 16 to 22, as reported by Search Engine Watch , as well as search news and tips from around the web. Click to read the rest of this post..

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JFK’s Google Logo, Google Japan’s Takayanagi Kenzirou Logo & Google Israel’s Tu Bishvat Logo


Google has three special Google logos, also known as Doodles, on the various Google home pages. The three logos include a JFK logo, Takayanagi Kenzirou 高柳 健次郎 logo and Tu Bishvat פרוייקט ההר הירוק Logo

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Is There A Google Whitelist?


Yesterday, Greg Sterling wrote an article named Deconstructing “Search Neutrality” which brought to light a overlooked claim by one particular site owner…

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: January 21, 2011


This week’s big news was that Eric Schmidt will be stepping down as Google’s CEO soon and replacing him will be Google co-founder…

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Are You Minivan Racing?


When is the last time you flipped over to ESPN on race day and saw a Honda Odyssey taking corners at high speed? It doesn’t happen because minivan racing is stupid. But in our web businesses, we do it every day

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