Archive for February, 2011

Yes, More Are Seeing Google’s New Navigation Bar


A week ago, we reported on a new top navigation bar Google began testing. It appears that Google seems to be rolling out this new top navigation bar out globally

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Using Drupal? Here’s the Best Modules for Onsite SEO Optimization


Without a doubt, Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems around; there are millions of websites using it. Many users face one common issue – selecting Drupal modules that are both easy to use and the best at improving the visibility of their website in the search engines. Although this seems like a difficult and time-consuming task, I can assure you that once you are aware of all aspects that require optimization, and which Drupal modules are the most efficient at facilitating your work, you can complete this project in just a couple of hours

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3 Ways Social Media Is Changing Public Relations


The widespread use of social media has fundamentally changed how people communicate and share information. According to recent data from comScore , Facebook now accounts for 12.3 percent of the time spent online in the U.S. versus 7.2 percent just a year ago.

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SEO Company Badmouthed In Google Forum But What Happens Next Is Strange


Webmaster complains about their SEO company. Shortly after, alleged clients of this SEO company come in to defend the SEO company. Then when prodded for more information, these SEO clients claim they can’t talk more in fear of being sued.

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SEO Company Badmouthed In Google Forum But What Happens Next Is Strange


Webmaster complains about their SEO company. Shortly after, alleged clients of this SEO company come in to defend the SEO company

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 16, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Daily Search Forum Recap: February 16, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Automated Rules For AdWords Released For All Accounts


Set it and forget it AdWords?

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Could Google Play Jeopardy Like IBM’s Watson?


Like many people, I was amazed to watch IBM’s Watson supercomputer playing Jeopardy this week against past human champions.

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