Archive for February, 2011

Your Profile Just Got a Whole Lot Snazzier


Posted by jennita Disclaimer : This post has absolutely nothing to do with SEO or even online marketing.

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Your Profile Just Got a Whole Lot Snazzier


Posted by jennita Disclaimer : This post has absolutely nothing to do with SEO or even online marketing. You’ve been warned. Please keep reading to see the awesomeness that is your new profile

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Your Profile Just Got a Whole Lot Snazzier


Posted by jennita Disclaimer : This post has absolutely nothing to do with SEO or even online marketing. You’ve been warned

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Your Profile Just Got a Whole Lot Snazzier


Posted by jennita Disclaimer : This post has absolutely nothing to do with SEO or even online marketing. You’ve been warned. Please keep reading to see the awesomeness that is your new profile

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5 Reasons To Create A Facebook Fan Page AND 5 Reasons Not To


While I’ve been known to ramble on and on, I’m going to keep this one short and simple.

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Blekko & Stack Overflow Team Up; Is The Future Celebrity Endorsed Search Indexes?


Search engine upstart, Blekko, continuing it’s quest to form an alliance against spam has partnered with Stack Overflow, “a programming Q&A site built by programmers for programmers”. This follows a blog post at the start of 2011 from StackOverflow’s CTO, Jeff Attwood which cited Trouble in the House of Google and, along with a rising tide of criticism, ultimately caused Matt Cutts to launch a new algorithm that attacks ‘junk’ sites, such as those Made For Adsense (MFA) and content farms. We’re seeing better Google results already, but Blekko is still putting pressure by endeavouring to take an even stronger stance against spam

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Gain More from Your Link Building


Link building is rarely a favorite task for a webmaster to perform but it is certainly one of the most important. There are many ways to obtain backlinks, some of which take a lot of time and patience before seeing any benefits of all your hard work. The good news is that some link building techniques help you grow your network and gain traffic too.

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The Power of Unique Product Descriptions


Whether it’s online or offline, words help sell products.

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How to Overcome 4 Social Media Headaches


Social Media Marketing has taken a firmer position within the marketing mix of most companies in one way or another. For some, social web participation is a natural fit.

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How to Overcome 4 Social Media Headaches


Social Media Marketing has taken a firmer position within the marketing mix of most companies in one way or another. For some, social web participation is a natural fit. For many others, being more social isn’t in the management DNA.

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