Archive for February, 2011

Amazon’s Cloud Spamming Google With Google’s Cloud?


Spotted via WebmasterWorld, a search for [Amazon s3 Forum]’s top two results actually come from Google’s comparable cloud hosting service, Google App Engine.

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Valentine’s Day 2011: Search Engines Feelin’ the Love


Google’s Robert Indiana Doodle wasn’t the only special logo or Valentine’s Day treat put out by the search engines. Bing, Yahoo, Ask, DuckDuckGo, and even Wolfram|Alpha are also feeling the love in their own ways today. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Infographic: Ask What Should You Get your Girlfriend for Valentine’s Day?

2011/02/14 have created an infographic for their blog illustrating the current fad for Q&A sites. Below are some of the answers they found on the current industry leading Q&A sites: , , Facebook Questions , Yahoo Answers and, of course, “the love it or you hate it” site of the moment, Quora . Click to read the rest of this post..

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Google’s Personal Blocklist: Delete Google Search Results On Chrome


Google announced they added a new way to block search results from showing up in Google. It is by way of a special, Google-made, Chrome extension named Personal Blocklist

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Hot At Sphinn: Can You Ignore Facebook, J.C. Penney Slapped, HuffPo’s SEO & More


Another busy week on Sphinn included a couple well-known brands having … shall we say SEO “issues”? Slate pretty much called out The Huffington Post on part of its SEO strategy, and the New York Times did a big exposé of how J.C

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Hot At Sphinn: Can You Ignore Facebook, J.C. Penney Slapped, HuffPo’s SEO & More


Another busy week on Sphinn included a couple well-known brands having … shall we say SEO “issues”? Slate pretty much called out The Huffington Post on part of its SEO strategy, and the New York Times did a big exposé of how J.C

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3 Tips To Detect & Fix Mobile Search Leaks, Improve Your CTR


I’m pleased to join you with my first installment for the new Mobile Mondays column. As a long time Analyze This columnist, I appreciate SEL making space for the mobile marketing conversation.

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SEOs Discuss The J.C. Penney Public Google Penalty


I am sure all of you read the NY Times piece from the weekend named The Dirty Little Secrets of Search. It talks about how major realtor, J.C..

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SEOs Discuss The J.C. Penney Public Google Penalty


I am sure all of you read the NY Times piece from the weekend named The Dirty Little Secrets of Search.

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3 Ways Google Could Adjust The Revenue Dials


Occasionally, I’m asked by investment bank types whether Google can “dial up” their revenue on a whim, and moreover whether they do so. The short answer is “certainly, yes” to the first part, and “probably no” to the second

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