Archive for February, 2011

Android Closing On BlackBerry As Verizon iPhone Launch Approaches


The latest mobile data from comScore is out, showing Android handsets continuing to outpace others in the market. These new figures obviously pre-date the release of the Verizon iPhone, which is coming this weekend.

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Social Media Super Bowl – Overhyped & Underperformed


At a reported $3 million per 30 second spot , Super Bowl advertising is big business.

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Prostitutes Using Facebook For Marketing


A Columbia University professor has published a report that found New York City prostitutes are using Facebook to find clients, Wired Magaizne reported . Seems the internet are the new streets that are being walked

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Google Honors Jules Verne With Global Doodle


French-born author Jules Verne is being honored with an international Doodle today. The author of numerous works including Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870), A Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873) was born on February 8th, 1828.

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The Google Hotel


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Egyptian Internet, Mobile Shutdown Cost Country $90 Million Plus


The five to six days that the Egyptian government closed down the internet and cell phone access cost the country over $90 million dollars, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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The Details of Google Honeycomb Spread


Google’s Honeycomb OS went head-to-head with Apple’s “Daily News” for release parties, showing off the details of its interface for both users and developers in its Motorola Xoom press event. The battle continued in Superbowl commercials, where Google’s tablet commercials were unafraid of directly attacking the single tablet option of the iPad.

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How Should Google Spread Word About Google?


Before I started writing about Google, Bing, Yahoo, and all the rest, I didn’t even know about the existence of half their services.

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Gmail Improves Its Contact Groups


Google’s productivity services, from Google Docs to Gmail and more, offer plenty of time saving alternatives.

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Microsoft’s Hotmail Adds Alias Accounts


Hotmail has long been a popular service for setting up “side accounts” for email. After all, it’s one of the easiest services to set up quickly, and while it’s not always the most competitive of interfaces for a primary account, it’s more than sufficient for a specialized “throwaway” (your “these people might spam me” account, your “this will distract me if I send it to my work inbox” account, your “I don’t want my spouse to find out about this” account, etc.).

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