Archive for February, 2011

Blekko Reports 30 Million Queries in January


Thirty million search queries were conducted on Blekko in January, and its team of human editors has helped create 110,000 slashtags, the company announced today. One of Blekko’s missions was to rid its results of spam. In January, Blekko introduced the spam clock to call attention to the fact that 1 million new spam pages are created every hour

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The True Impact of Duplicate Content


I am always on the lookout for how particular rumored or confirmed search engine algorithmic factors are really impacting how websites are ranking in Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. In fact I am a bit of an algorithmic buff, having presented a project entitled “Investigating The Factors of a Search Engine Algorithm” at the recent BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition. One factor I looked at was duplicate content and I believe it to be a very large algorithmic factor

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Doctor Finder Finds Sweet Spot for Insider Pages


Fifty percent of consumers polled under the age of 55 said they have spent more time researching the latest tech gadget (like a blu-ray player) than researching a doctor they are going to visit. According to a study recently released by Insider Pages, U.S.

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TrustHop: Empowering Consumers by Mixing Social Search with Local Service Quoting


A key premise of social search is that the people you know and trust are the best sources of personally relevant and reliable information. As Maureen Heymans, technical lead for Google Social Search said in a BBC article , “When I’m looking for a restaurant, I’ll probably find a bunch of reviews from experts and it’s really useful information. But getting a review from a friend can be even better because I trust them and I know their tastes

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Review: Rock Your Marketing with Content Rules


If I were to write a tactical “how to” book on Content Marketing, I’d like to think it would be a lot like “Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars and More that Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business”.

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Nofollow Link Attribute – So How Does Google Treat It (& Do We Need to Care?)


A few days ago I came across a post at Search Engine Roundtable that features the Google’s thought on link building through comment spamming, the post ended up with the final words of Matt Cutts on how Google treat nofollow attribute: “ Let’s be absolutely clear about this: Links that use the rel=nofollow microformat do not pass PageRank and are not used in our ranking algorithms.

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AOL Buys Huffington Post for $315 Million


AOL bought the Huffington Post over the weekend for $315 million dollars, All Things D reported. The site will become part of a new group at AOL called The Huffington Post Media Group and Arianna Huffington will become the editor in chief of the group which will also include other AOL properties Engadget, Moviefone, MapQuest and TechCrunch, All Things D noted.

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Website Designer Made Top Superbowl Ad For $500


The most popular Superbowl ad – the Dorito door-crushing dog – was created by a part-time website designer for about $500, USA Today reported . Given the Twitter comments about some poor Superbowl ads from major ad agencies, one wonders if this consumer created ad method will be used more often. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Scoring the 2011 Super Bowl Commercials For Search Visibility and Visitor Engagement


Every year, advertisers pay millions to air commercials during the Super Bowl. (The price this year is around three million dollars for a thirty second slot.) Advertisers are looking not only for conversions (sure, Hyundia would love for you to run out and buy that new Elantra tomorrow) but also…

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How to strip JPEG metadata in Ubuntu


If you want to post some JPEG pictures but you’re worried that they might have metadata like location embedded in them, here’s how to strip that data out. First, install exiftool using this command: sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl Then, go into the directory with the JPEG files

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