Archive for February, 2011

Startup America: Google, Facebook Among Companies to Lead White House Entrepreneurship Initiative


Less than a week after announcing a commitment to entrepreneurship during the State of the Union address, the Obama administration announced Startup America , a national campaign to help create jobs and industries of the future. Yesterday morning, President Obama stood with several economic advisors and a number of America’s top business leaders to announce the program.

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Escaping TopRank Winter for San Diego, London, Barcelona & Austin


Beautiful sunrise Lake Minnetonka. But COLD! One of the greatest things about a good old fashioned, cold and snowy Winter in Minnesota is leaving for a few weeks to warmer weather

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Rank Tracker and SEO SpyGlass Integrate Google Analytics (More Data to Play with!)


So, we’ve been thinking about integration of our tools with Google Analytics for quite a time and now the integration process has started, with Rank Tracker and SEO SpyGlass as pioneers. We’ve added ability to see real traffic numbers coming from Google Analytics – right inside out tools

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Summary of the #FutureSearch Talk with Google, Bing & Blekko


Posted by Tom_C Wow. Today has been interesting – I woke up to the news that Bing copies Google search results

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Google Gathering Egyptian Protest Videos At CitizenTube


YouTube has been flooded with videos from the Egyptian protests and is now collecting them at CitizenTube – Google’s news and politics channel, the YouTube blog reported. “We understand how closely the world is following these events, and want to help people access and share this information quickly and easily on YouTube.” The site has done this in the past for events like the Haitian earthquake and the Iranian protests. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Google Creates Work Around For Blocked Egyptian Tweeters


As protests continue and the Egyptian government blocks access to the internet , Google created a workaround over the weekend so people can access Twitter via phone calls and leave updates, the company’s official blog announced . “Like many people we’ve been glued to the news unfolding in Egypt and thinking of what we could do to help people on the ground. Over the weekend we came up with the idea of a speak-to-tweet service–the ability for anyone to tweet using just a voice connection,” the blog reported

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Google Doodles Forums Added To Web Search Help


One of the most discussed non-search topics on Google are their Google logos, also known as Google Doodles. Google has a devoted section of their site to browse all the past holiday and event logos. You can see them at

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Google Image Search Category Added To Google Forums


In other Google forum news, Google has added a category to discuss Google Image Search problems. Like I said with the Google Doodles category, Image Search issues are also an incredibly popular topics in the forums.

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Paper Industry Ablaze In Australia Over Google Ad Decisions


A civil liberties group in Australia is criticizing Google’s decision to pull ads by the Wilderness Society that brought attention to “a boycott against a paper manufacturer that uses wood sourced from Australian old growth forests,” the Sydney Morning Herald reported . The company to be boycotted – Australian Paper – contacted Google and the ads were pulled as they used brand names in their ad copy.

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Google Employee Goes Missing In Egypt


Google’s head of marketing for the Middle East and North Africa Wael Ghonim has gone missing in Egypt. Ghonim, a supporter of the Egyptian opposition, has been missing since Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported . Ghonim had been a vocal supporter of the protesters in Egypt, on his Twitter and Facebook accounts

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